5 Simple Ways to Find Joy AND Endure Suffering

5 Simple Ways to Find Joy AND Endure Suffering

Rediscovering Joy Despite Suffering

Living with chronic pain certainly presents a challenging journey. Each day, we strive to find joy despite our suffering and seek ways to manage pain and stress, which are essential for our well-being. However, for followers of Jesus, it can feel disheartening when many stress management techniques lack a foundation in biblical principles. As a result, we often find ourselves unable to find joy and clarity in our walk through chronic pain. I want to share five biblical strategies that can help you manage stress and pain, guiding you closer to Jesus and surrounding you with His love.

infographic on 5 Biblical ways to find joy despite our suffering.

1. Depending on God’s Word

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

Spending time in the Bible every day serves as the best starting point for managing stress. Consequently, research shows that reading scripture benefits readers during stressful times. Studies reveal that Bible reading can weaken the negative effects of stress on hope, and it links positive coping mechanisms to stressful events. Those who rely on their faith to navigate stress tend to have a more optimistic outlook. The word of God truly transforms us, teaching us to find joy even amid suffering!

2 Effective Ways to Engage with Scripture Daily:

  • Prayer: Talk to the Lord regularly because you can tell Him all your thoughts, concerns, and feelings. He is bigger than all of them because He, in fact, is the only one who can truly carry it. You’ll notice that the more you pour your heart out to Him, you will find joy and gain peace, clarity, and hope.
  • Meditation: Biblical meditation is distinct from mainstream meditation, which focuses on clearing your mind. Instead, it involves slow, thoughtful reading of scripture to focus on God’s character and promises. The aim is to deepen your understanding of God’s word, strengthen your faith, and apply its insights in daily life. One of my favorite verses that I find joy in is 1 Peter2:21:
For you have been called for this purpose, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you would follow in His steps,

2. Practice Gratitude Daily

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Disciples of Jesus should express gratitude in all circumstances, actively counting the blessings God provides, from the significant to the minor.

Gratitude Practices Include:

  • Journaling: Firstly, take a couple of minutes each day to list every blessing you have because there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for. Whether it be people in your life, items you have, or your health (yes, your health!) take note of where you’re able to find joy even on your most painful days. Secondly, pray on it and list all of the things that God has given. Remember, as believers, it could always be worse – we could be dead in our sins and separated from God!
  • Preach the Gospel to Yourself: Since we often get caught up in our sorrows and loneliness, we can lose our perspective on life then we forget what Jesus did for us. Preaching the Gospel to ourselves reminds us that God sent His Son to live perfectly and be sacrificed for us, defeating death and allowing us to be reconciled to God for eternity. When it all seems hopeless, we can find joy in that this life doesn’t last forever, and later in eternity, it will be free of pain!

3. Seek Community

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as we see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25

Did you know we are designed by God to be in community with one another? Therefore, we are called to gather, connect, and encourage each other on our journeys through life. In fact, recently, I had back surgery to fix a herniated disc, and my family faced a tough challenge. Our community of believers and friends helped carry part of my burden during this difficult time. For instance, many meals were made for us to take the stress of dinner off our plates. It’s essential to put energy into building a community for yourself, especially when you experience pain and need support!

Ways to Build Your Community:

  • Go to Church: You cannot become part of a family if you don’t go. Find a church that preaches true, theologically accurate doctrine, and start introducing yourself. Say hello and make small talk. Pray for God to bring your people into your life.
  • Join a Small Group/Bible Study: Small groups are a great way to find deeper relationships. Being in a small group allows you to share more personal details about yourself and hear those of others. Groups provide opportunities for intimate prayer. Be open and honest about your struggles and ask for help!
  • Find a Local Chronic Pain/Illness Support Group: Although we may not want to be influenced by non-believers, we can sometimes benefit from people who face similar issues. However, pain management strategies, doctor recommendations, diets, and insurance advice are some things that we can bounce off others who experience chronic pain. Some ways we can find local support groups are:
    • Google: Kind of self-explanatory. Searching for “Chronic Pain Support Groups Near Me” should bring up relevant websites to look into.
    • Check Newspapers/Local Listings: Some publications will list support groups, community events, and the like. It’s worth checking it out!
    • Ask Your Doctor’s Office: Sometimes your doctor’s office may advertise or be aware of groups in your area.
    • Online Communities: The internet is chock full of support groups! Facebook and Reddit are great for connecting with others managing chronic pain.

4. Prioritize Self-Care

"Then Jesus said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest."' Mark 6:31

This self-care isn’t the self-indulgent variety that society often promotes. Instead, we need to practice listening to our bodies and responding appropriately. By doing this, we revitalize ourselves and become able to pour ourselves out for others.

  • Rest: Practice good sleep hygiene, protect your sleep schedule, and schedule rest periods throughout your daily, weekly, and monthly lives.
  • Diet: It certainly can be tempting to justify eating a diet that doesn’t serve you, but remember how much better you feel when you eat a diet that benefits your body. This is the hardest for me! For example, I love to eat chips but they trigger my MCAS and then I regret it later. Don’t be like me! It’s important to stay hydrated and eat nutritious, non-symptomatic foods.
  • Exercise: Find movement activities that you can tolerate, then do them regularly. Likewise, take the time to find the exercise that is just what your body needs.
  • Reduce External Stressors: Stress is a normal part of life and we cannot completely avoid it no matter how hard we try, but we can reduce it. For instance, some ways are:
    • Say no to invites that would deplete your energy supply.
    • Utilize aids that protect your body and energy.
    • Give grace to others and yourself. Like you, everyone is trying their best and taking it day by day!

5. Trust in God’s Sovereignty

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

For a long time, I misunderstood this verse. I thought it was saying that if I love God, all will be good for me. This isn’t the truth of the verse. In my post, Pain and Suffering: What’s the Point? I touched on what this verse means. In this verse, God is telling us that if we love Him, He will use ALL things to make us more like Jesus. Pain and suffering are what create endurance and depth of faith, bringing us closer to the likeness of Christ, which will always be good for us. Therefore, some things to remember when you’re struggling are:

  • Surrender control to God even when you don’t understand the plan or how it ends in this life because if God brought you to it, He will bring you through it.
  • Jesus is your peace. Jesus said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jesus can carry your pain and suffering, He already showed us He can by enduring the cross. Give it all to Him and accept the peace He offers.

In Conclusion

Moreover, you are not alone in your pain. In a world filled with stress, the Bible offers a timeless roadmap to finding joy amidst and through life’s challenges. By practicing these five biblical strategies – seeking God’s peace, trusting in His divine plan, practicing gratitude, prioritizing rest, and cultivating strong relationships – we can experience a profound sense of peace, joy, and contentment, even during life’s storms. These principles, rooted in faith and wisdom, empower us to navigate stress with resilience, fostering a life marked by both joy and purpose. Are you ready to experience the transformative power of these biblical strategies? Start today by choosing one principle to focus on and taking practical steps to implement it in your daily life.


Krause, N., Pargament, K.I. Reading the Bible, Stressful Life Events, and Hope: Assessing an Overlooked Coping Resource. J Relig Health 57, 1428–1439 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-018-0610-6