Hey there! Welcome to my blog! This blog is about myself, Faith, and the chronic pain I experience due to symptoms and complications of Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder. I call myself Faith because, despite my suffering, it has never shaken my belief in Jesus Christ. He is my firm foundation and quite literally, the only reason I’m here!

I am a daughter of God, a wife, and a mother of two. When my body feels decent I enjoy walking in my city’s beautiful parks, trying new recipes, or hanging out with friends. When my body feels like trash, I enjoy crocheting, reading, writing, and watching children’s movies. Although I would prefer not to, I have to hold space for a lot of physical downtime. Since I have scheduled rest time, I figured I could use it to encourage my fellow family in Christ who also experience medical hardships such as chronic pain or chronic illness.

I’m excited to bring scripture that strengthens and comforts for the hardest hurts. Pain and illness can be lonely since we are the ones who physically experience all the symptoms. I pray to be someone who reminds believers to seek Jesus in their dark moments.

I pray this blog is a place where you can come to find inspiration to keep running your life’s race. I know with chronic pain, there are days (weeks/months/years…) where giving up sounds beautiful. I mean, what Believer would be mad about going to meet Jesus? I sure wouldn’t be! Anyway, If we are still here on this earth, that is because He has greater plans for us. Plans that will sanctify us and glorify Him. During those hard times, it is so easy to lose our strength and will, which is why I hope to be someone who reminds you to run back to Jesus!

I encourage you to engage with me! Please subscribe to my blog and leave comments! Feel free to follow me on social media! I’d love to have a space that allows others to find their community or at least one who truly understands what life is like for us. Peace to you friends!